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Uche Ihe Chief April 25, 2011
May the almighty accept your gently soul, and may he be with all your family members at this time of loss. may you rest in peace  with the Lord. Amen
Pamela Amakwe ff April 23, 2011
 April 11th 2011 was a really sad day, and a great loss to all who knew Chichi. God put his arm around Chichi and called her back to heaven at such a young age. A golden and precious heart ceased beating while her friends and family watched in tears. We know you re in a better place and you will always be remembered Chioma Ogbonna
Benjamin Ewa Though i never knew you, neither have i met you in person, what i have read so far shows that you were really loved by all. May God Almighty give your family and friends the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. May your soul rest in peace! April 22, 2011
Benjamin Ewa Sunset at noon April 22, 2011
Donald, Victoria& Stanley Kanu may your soul rest in peace April 21, 2011
Acept our  condolences. And we pray that your soul rest in perfect peace.

 For the love ones, may God grant you all the heart to bear the lost of your daugther, sister and friend.
Msugh Tuse God knows best April 20, 2011

You were always full of smiles whenever i saw you..........God must really love that about you and thats why he needs you up there...........Im glad to have known you and will never forget you....its good to know you are finally home where you really belong....may your soul rest in perfect peace!

Fairy Sorry I did not come see you April 17, 2011
We met in 1998 we were all freshmeat at U of H hanging in the UC  :) ...I remember you being a sweet energetic girl and you always had a smile on your face. I wish I had reconnected with you when I returned to Houston but now it is too late. I was very sad to hear about your passing ,but we cannot question God it was your time but it is still not easy to accept ,may Allah bless you and your family and make it easy for them.

Forever missed
Love Fairy
Uloma Doreen E- ogbanna Gone too soon. April 17, 2011
Chioma Ogbonna, I am not sure if I ever  met you or not, but your smile is hard to ignore. We both share a last name. I am lost for words. God!!!!They say we never ask God why, but in your case, I am asking WHY? Why the sudden journey home? Why would you be taken away so soon? sad, very sad indeed. To those who knew you personally it is a big lose and to those who don't know you, your are  a bigger lose. We will miss out of the joy and love that you shared with others. What a sad thing to say goodbye to a queen. I hate goodbyes, so I don't say it, but I say,  sleep well Honi, your soul may be with the Lord, but you will forever remain in our hearts. Sleep well sweety till we meet again..
Sibigam Goodluck May God be your comforter April 17, 2011
 Dear Mr&Mrs Ralph Ogbonna,

No one knows why bad things happen to those so innocent and whose life has hardly begun. For now it will have to remain the painful mystery that it is. Losses like this can make us challenge our faith; however, this is precisely the time when our faith needs to be its strongest.

I am praying that your faith will help you through this very difficult time and help you to know that God's purpose, whatever it may be, is at work. I pray that you will find the strength to get you through your grief and sadness.

In thinking about your loss, I would like to leave you with the oft quoted words of an observer at Abraham Lincoln's deathbed who said upon his passing, "Now he belongs to the angels.''

Sibigam Goodluck .c.

Mckenz ADIEU April 17, 2011
 Looking at the pictures in this gallery, one wouldnt but admit that you are beautiful in the eyes of mankind. However, the one who made you beautiful has called you home having accomplished your purpose here on earth nommater how short it might look in the eyes of man. You were a blessing, love, kind-hearted, comforter and above all a testimony in the lives of many who have the chance of knowing and meeting you.
To you, Ogbonna family wipe away your tears. Chioma knows that you sure will grief because she has gone but she has no power to say no because her time on earth has finished. Take solace that she is in a better place and will be watching over all of you while waiting to meet everyone who are her family and friends in that wonderful paradise where death will not bring any separation anymore.
Adieu..............rest in peace!
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